Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Water World Wednesday

                                              WELCOME TO WATER WORLD WEDNESDAY
                                                                         Episode 94, Year 2

Hello everyone! How's your weekdays? As for us here in my neck of woods we are anticipating for the arrival of a snow storm tomorrow. I really thought that snow is gone for good this year since I feel spring already but heck no!! The weather forecast says that we are going to have at least 6-8 inches of snow, well bring it on then!! Anyhow, I have the fascination of covered bridges and I only saw two of them here in MI. One I saw in Frankenmuth and one up north in Empire where the sand dune is. So here is what I missed but would love to see this again this spring or summer...

                                                       Frankenmuth, MI covered bridge

                                                                     A small relpica!


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
