I think everybody specially the home owners already received their property taxes. And in this time of economic struggle it seems that many people couldn't pay immediately their taxes. Okey here in the USA we have to pay summer and winter tax. What make me think is that their are many homeowners already struggled to pay their house mortgage more so with their taxes.
A friend of mine told me about American Residential Law Group they can help you with your financial woes specially with the problem of your homes. Just right next to the road where I live I saw yesterday a house that is I guess foreclose and it's kind of sad to know that people are leaving their homes just because they couldn't afford to pay for the mortgage. But also thankfully there are companies who is willing to help the people who don't want to leave their home and that is American Residential Law Group. Because of this firm my friend's family is still in their house and she is thankful of that.