I do like to read. I was at the library the other day and I was overwhelmed but too many books. I thought while I was inside the library that I should know what book I am going to lend or else I am going to get a stiff neck trying to read all the books in each aisle. ^_^ But what fascinates me too are those books that are written for somebody else. It's like your story of your life. I just wonder if is it all true or what. I do like to read autobiography of prominent people and even the saints they inspire me a lot. One time I told hubby if there is such a thing like autobiography writing and how it goes? I have so many questions and I do like to write that is why I am so curious about it.
Hubby told me that there is such a thing like autobiography writing because you just don't write somebodies life without them knowing personally and their family as well. He added to say there is always a way on anything. Like when you capture memories it is easy if there is always photos. In this time and generation everybody has this tiny digital camera which is easy to use and easy to develop. I chatted my friend this morning and she is into scrapbooking. I was the one telling her why not try digital scrapbooks because it is just easy. You don't have to paste or get dirty with all the glues and the cutting because it can be done digitally. And this morning she told me the good news she did digital scrapbooks and she is almost half of doing her daughters photos. She told me it was fun and very easy. And so I just said "I told you so"!!