Showing posts with label atlanta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atlanta. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oahu, Hawaii

As I woke up this morning I immediately looked at the outside temperature and found out that it's 2F outside. My gush it's too cold it makes me feel too tired of this cold and snow already. I so long for the Spring to come and also thought of the place that is warm and close to an ocean. But even down south they had some cold weather too that's why the only state that has the tropical ambiance is Oahu, Hawaii.
Hubby and I stopped by at my step-daughters house after my class today. And inside their house it feels like you are in a tropical place, lol!! It's very warm which it really feels good while outside is a foot inches of snow. So we talked about getting a vacation someplace tropical and there is nothing a place like that but in Oahu. So my step-daughter started to search in the internet for fun and found the site of Oahu Homes for sale and at the same time Oahu vacation rental homes! We get so curious and excited to find out what is the most appropriate thing to do to buy a home or to rent? We weight down the pros and cons.  But then we also found out that Atlanta,Georgia and La Jolla, California  homes has a pretty good price as of now.  They have the best offer so far after the crunch of our economy.You see we are here in  the north part of the US and it will take time for all of us to go anywhere south. So if we find a house for sale or rent for vacation  in any of the three location, which everybody have to agree upon then we are all set to go to be away from this frigid weather and take a good plunge in the ocean. That is way too cool!


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
