Showing posts with label usa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label usa. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

200 abduction a year in USA?

This scares me though I don’t have any kid here at home but what if it happened to my friends or relatives kids what we gonna do?I heard this news this morning that another kid was abducted right inside his own home. The person who abducted the kid didn’t get the new high tech things it just makes you think that he is for the kid only. The scary part is that this people who abduct young children will bring the kids to Mexico and who knows what they do with this innocent small kids. Hubby and I were driving at the Interstate highway of Florida 3 years ago and all of a sudden we saw at our back through the rare view mirror more than 5 police cars blaring the sirens and jeez I thought there was a civil war I haven’t had any experienced of that kind in MI. Then more police cars coming from intersection I was scared, we had to stopped and we are stuck in the long stretch highway together with other cars. As I look above the traffic signs it flashes AMBER ALERT, so then we knew that a kid is abducted and police are chasing the kidnapper. It makes my heart ache if I heard news like this it is hard for parents to lose a child if he/she died in sickness but it would also be so gut wrenching heart breaking time if a child is abducted by an unknown person. Let us just always pray that we all be protected in Gods love and mercy from this evil people who is just around the corner.


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
