This week Photo Hunter theme is about CUDDLY and because it is also time for Camera Critters I choose to post my long lost pet Ester the chicken. Who was massacred along with some other chickens in our backyard. And the culprit is our neighbors dog. After we knew and two of our neighbors saw the dog with a chicken in his mouth hubby went to that neighbor and talked about what happened. But to my DH surprised the neighbor seemed not interested about what was going on and what damage his dog has done to our chickens. I knew it is not nice to hate neighbors but I did, am I bad? I cried so much when we found out that the dog massacred our chickens, it didn't happened once but thrice!! And one of the victims is my Ester and my one and only rooster. To avoid neighbors conflict and feud DH decided to bring the 11 remaining chickens to his son. Still now I felt bad about my neighbor, other neighbors who knew about it shun from being friendly with them because the owner never say sorry amidst the warnings from other neighbors. Oh well, I am happy but kind of sad to see our picture together.
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And more Camera Critters pictures HERE