Showing posts with label vote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vote. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The right to vote!!

Yipeee later this morning hubby and I are going to the precinct to vote. This is my first time to vote as an American citizen and I am so excited. I did work my assignment to know the people who are running. I have my list and that's it I am ready to vote! Ciao for now this day is kinda busy.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The right to vote!

Last week hubby accompanied me  to the Secretary of State to register.  I was so shock by how fast they process the registration it only take less than 5 minutes!!! Yes less than 5 minutes I told hubby wow that was fast this is really  America!! LOL!! Then the other day I received  my voters registration id I was so excited for I know today there will be an election.
After our family breakfast from Harvey's restaurant today hubby and I  went immediately to the precinct to vote I was excited it is my first time but when after signing a form and the people assigned to gave me another form looked for my name she couldn't find it. So she ashed there chairperson about my case and the chairperson called somebody and she told me that I registered late. They were sorry about it and I was like feeling dismay I was so excited then. But they told me that next year I will be in the list and that is for sure and next year will be a big one a governor election. I am looking forward to that day.


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
