Showing posts with label oregasil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oregasil. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2010

Healthy body

Wow it's another Monday morning and it's the end week of the month of July. How time flies so quick sometimes you don't where all those days go. Summer will be gone almost and Fall will come then we have shorter days and longer night soon. Here in MI when it's summer people stayed late at night because many love the sun and hang out outside. There is something in the sun that makes people feel alive. I was asked one time with my step-daughter if back in the Philippines it's always hot. I said yes, as in hot and humid. I remember me and my mom will slept on the wood floor in the afternoon since wood is much cooler and we open the windows to let the air breeze cool off our entire house.
This week, hubby is not feeling that well. We went to a friend's house for her swimming party and I could tell he is not feeling good. Thankfully, their are also men who came with their wife and he enjoyed talking with them. And you know men when they talked just like women it goes from this issue to another issue. Until they came to health issues. They compare each other (haha) if they have this achy feeling here and there and how they do fix it. Hubby has many vitamins supplements like Oregano Oil and Bio D-Mulsion. The Oregano Oil is for his digestive system since he is prone to constipation and he thinks that it runs in the family of his. And the Bio D-Mulsion he used it most specially in winter since we have shorter days and longer night and we don't get a lot of sun at those season.
I am not a taker but hubby encourages me to take it because he believes that if you have a healthy digestive system you are protected from any kind of illnesses which I do agree. Being constipated all the time is not a joke and I have seen that a lot with people who suffer this kind of illness. And to get  a good sun exposure without sun burn, take a walk and don't forget to take Bio D-Mulsion. Remember people health is wealth.


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
