Showing posts with label address sign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label address sign. Show all posts

Monday, August 23, 2010

Our address sign

Last Saturday I went out to get our mails and I noticed immediately the numbers of our address sign is missing!! Nobody took it but it was old and I guess it fell down and so it's gone now. Thankfully, the local mail carrier, fed ex, waste disposal collector knew our number so I don't have a problem with that but what about our friends who are first timers. For sure they would have a hard time finding our house ^_^ So I immediately told my hubby to get a new one. I specifically told him it should be durable, easy to read, and a tough one address plaque.So hubby off he goes but he couldn't find a good one. I specially told her about the size and the color but he couldn't find one that for sure I am okey with it.  I suggested to him that we will search online for address plaques and numbers and there it was we find it. There are plenty of choices actually. Some people think that it is expensive because they are pretty and classy but actually it is not. It depends of course, if what sized or how intricately design you want but it is very affordable though. When we found the right one for us, we knew it is very pretty in our mail box now I am excited to put it right away and of course very glad to have a new address sign.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Curb appeal

You wonder what makes your property has a curb appeal to onlookers? Of course, the first thing that come to our mind is, a very well manicured grass, and  shrubs, trees and flowers are in there proper places. A fountain maybe? But that is an extra expense though ^_^.
I've been to many friends, relatives houses and even just passing by a house one thing that I immediately notice is of course the address signs. I don't know if it is just me or what but address sign on any house makes me drawn to that house lol! For me it is one of a reason for a very amazing curb appeal specially if the owner of the property really takes time to find the right address plaque.

I've been nagging hubby for this past few months now that we are going to buy an address plaque. And also change our address sign because ours is only a plastic paper attached to the mail box I don't like it in the first place. So many times deliveries can't find our home address because it is not very visible to the passers by. For the fact that we don't have address plaque they had a hard time finding our house. Today, my DH decided to browse the website to look for a nice address plaque and address sign, I am smiling like from ear to ear now I do hope that we will change ours before spring time came. So excited!


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
