Showing posts with label aerosend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aerosend. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Aerosend hope this is it!!

     I've sent one box to the Philippines through the service of AEROSEND last year. But something happened I and many people were surprised that our boxes didn't arrived on time or even late. We all knew then that our boxes were withhold at the port in Manila, Philippines. See more story here AEROSEND 
     Today,  a friend of mine told me that her box was delivered last Friday at her house in Cebu. Her family paid $25 inorder for the box to be delivered but her family pay the money when the box arrived at there house. It means ang bayaran ay nangyari sa bahay nila. She told me her family contacted this name

Jolly Cargo
Land-line: 632-296-4418
Cell: 0927-350-1838
Magic Jack: 714-927-1585
Contact: Val

If you are  also one of the senders you can call this number and inquire what they are up too. And please don't pay ahead, wait for the box to arrive at your house and your family will pay them there. Anyone, whose box were delivered you can leave a comment here. ^_^


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
