Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Water World Wednesday

                                        WELCOME TO WATER WORLD WEDNESDAY
                                                           Episode 86, Year 2

MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FELLOW BLOGGERS AROUND THE WORLD!! Three more nights and it is Christmas, wohooo!! But know what I do not have nothing to material things to want more, none! What I pray for this Christmas is good health, protection and more blessings and graces for me and my husband Mr. L,  to my family and special friends, to people like Dr. R and Dr. J who are the best, to you all my blogger friends whose here every single week though sometimes I goof up of the time, lol!! You are all in my prayers every single day and not just on this season. Past weekend five of my friends host a Christmas party and on top of that more party in between, geez! But what can I say I am thankful I have true and special people in my life it's worth the fun. Here in my neck of woods we don't have snow but we have plenty of rain. For my eleven years here in the USA this is the first that I experienced no snow which I like it much. 

                                             One of the good sweets I had at the party. 

When I found this place while hubby and I went for a Fall drive I am very impressed. I told myself this spring we are going to go back to that place and explore. That place ignite my curiosity I am hopeful that we can drive through there and walk around that would be cool.


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful place, Kim1 Have a very merry Christmas, you and your hubby!

Linda said...

That's definitely worth returning to. Have a warm joyful Christmas!


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
