Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday's Fences

                                                    This fence is behind a bank in Port Huron

                                                                 In front of a jewelry store
                                                               Linking this post to FRIDAYS FENCE'S 


Jan n Jer said...

Nice shots of two very different fences! Love your header!

Faye said...

Very utilitarian fences--one to protect a speciman tree, the other jewels. The tree is almost more valuable in the city these day, or so it seems in mine. We're losing valuable trees.

TexWisGirl said...

the one in front of the jewelry store is tough! :)

Rose said...

I love your header shot, too....that looks like such a strange little fenced in area beside the bank....wonder what the purpose is.

My fence is at Time Stand Still.

Judy said...

The first fence seems kinda silly - such a small area, and only grass - what is the point?
But the second shot is so much more interesting! Nice little bench so you can take a load off your feet, and a step away from the traffic. Makes it seem a bit secluded, for all that it is not...

Stasha said...

Love this idea and your header photo is stunning!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Great shots. I love the different fence styles. The top one makes me wonder why that poor tree is surrounded by a fence is it going to run away? B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the one by the jewelery store. i had told someone we don't have fences here, but then when i started looking they are every where

Anonymous said...

So I wonder why the bank wants to keep everyone off that nice lawn?

Ebie said...

The lattice work of the fence is cute!

dr momi said...

Is there a pond behind the bank? It is inteesting!

gigi said...

I love the rusty one the best! Happy weekend!

Bridget Larsen said...

Its amazing all the fences we can find when we look.
Bridget #22

Inger-M said...

Interesting fences!

Lindy said...

Fences serving a purpose - nice finds!

Thank you for your visit and comment on my Friday Fences image a few weeks ago - I'm behind in getting around to everyone this time.


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
