Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blue sky scrub

Happy Tuesday everyone the temperature outside is beautiful I want to clean the house this afternoon because in no time the temperature will drop down and it would be cold, I don't like  cleaning the house when it's too cold outside.  So that's  my plan for today to clean the house and get two or three loads to laundry, lol!
In another side of my story today, have you been to hospitals here in the US? The first time I arrived here in MI I already went to several hospitals because my step-daughter was already having her surgery, then some of my parents deliver their first baby. I am always impressed by how huge and beautiful the hospitals here. And what makes me more impressed is that they have  uniforms, oh well they call it  nursing scrubs here that are colorful. One time my niece who was studying nursing asked me to looked for a  medical uniforms and I did find it of course. I was thankful that a friend of mine who is in California and also studying nursing  course refers to me to a website who always had cheap scrubs.
This morning hubby and I were at my BIL's house and his granddaughter was there too. She just graduated nursing degree last December and right now she is working at the hospital here. In fact she just came from her duty and she still wearing her beautiful blue scrub. I was teasing at her that she looks beautiful even with her scrub top on and she told me that she is very thankful that at this time she could easily find discounted nurse uniforms because in the website like blue sky scrubs she could find her size!! Mind you she is tiny but a strong nurse. And she loves her profession.

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Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
