To make our day happy here is a bunch of yellow flower for everybody!
Visit and join Blue Monday, Mellow Yellow Monday and Red Tuesday and you can see awesome photos. See you then!!
Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
Thank you Kim for stopping by, and I love the yellow flowers, they just say happy day to me !
Such a pleasant and common activity in the province.. :)
Nice flowers dear!
Indeed manang Kim, hawod just musakay ug motor and pinoy, can manuever under difficult situations... hahahah! love your header. Mine is up too!
In This Side of Town
Anything Davao
How do they do that? Beautiful yellow flowers do make me happy. Now if we could please get some yellow sunshine.
Beautiful shots. That is amazing balancing act.
you should answer your husband, onli in da pilipins lol!
Only in the Philippines lang talaga yan hehehehe
Sa atin talaga, everything is possible hehehe..
MY Mellow Yellow post, have a great week ahead!
Interesting. Happy blue Monday!
only in the Phils! saw photos like these in Pinas..Thanks for the visit and have a blessed day!
Explore Germany
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Euroangel Graffiti
happy MYM too!nice flower!
Lovely flowers!
I like that first picture and the flowers are gorgeous :) Happy Blue Monday!
Love the guys on the bike photo... you wouldn't see that here.
The flower is quite pretty. But I sure wouldn't want to try riding that bike like that. Yikes.
hahaha that is so common here! :) guess we're really skilled! :)
u may view mine here
To get the job done is so important. In the US (say, MI) you could find a giant size pickup that could haul people and things. Elsewhere, you make due with what you have. These two are indeed getting the job done - by any means...
tipid tlga ng pinoy..hahhaah mklibre lng pamasahe khit prng mhulog na sabit pa rin, daming kahoy yan, no need of driver tlga.
Only in the Philippines indeed! Ang saya naman nina manong :o) I'm happy I crashed into your blog!
Great, interesting pics !
They say where there is a will there's a way - these guys found a way. :)
Lovely flower macro!
It's called "determination!" And, they look like they are having a great time going wherever they are going! Fun post and the flowers are lovely!
I was aiming for the same answer Carletta gave.
These guys seem to have a feast making their way with their heavy load.
Great balancing. Are those palm fronds?
When we were in Thailand I was amazed at what, and how much, people could pack onto a scooter. I think the record I saw was four people at once!
Great picture ~ and I agree, how do they do that?
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
wow,pretty flower...and the guys on scooter actually much better than some people here in taiwan,coo'z sometimes you could see them four persons in one bike.
have a nice day manang kim.
Resourceful....and very great strategy! Pinoy!
Wow...2 passengers and a load of wood. They are getting their moneys worth!
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