Monday, March 22, 2010

Real estate bailout

Yesterday, me and my step-daughter are hosting a spa party and the turned out is great. The product was really good and the food is great too, well I cooked at least three dishes ^_^. After the demonstration it was time for ordering the goodies and chit-chatting and around the table was my SIL and she told us that her grandson is buying a new house. He is a first time buyer and he can get a real estate bailout ! My SIL told us that he and his fiancee is so excited about it he can't wait to do house hunting. I knew his grandson so well and I do like him because he is a level headed kind of person. He is not a showy guy and he works a lot he is worth to get a good nice house.  
Then our product demonstrator also shared her story about real estate bailout how awesome it is for all first home buyer.  Can you imagine how much you save if you can avail these bailout? I so love to have a new house but I don't know if hubby and I will be considered as a first home buyer. I think I have to asked my step-daughter about it because there are many houses that I so like and the prices are too low that you can't believe it cost like that. My friend was so regretful that they got their house before the housing economy turns sour. And I bet they don't have all the privileges that was offered now. Right now I am excited for my SIL's grandson to announce their house blessings for sure I am going to cooked my special dish again. ^_^

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Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
