Sunday, March 7, 2010

A petal..

This is the one that I put on my header above. I like the tiny yellow color in the middle of each petal, very cool!
For more Macro Monday visit it HERE            
                                                       Mellow Yellow Monday HERE


fredamans said...

Very beautiful, and very macro!

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

The flower is very beautiful although I could not recognize what kind of flower it is. Is it some kind of an orchid? Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

Verna Luga said...

Wonderful indeed Manang Kim ... great shot.

In This Side of Town
Anything Davao

Carletta said...

Lovely macro!
I too love that yellow center with the purple. Nice one!

Jama said...

I love the colors , so beautiful!

Johnny Nutcase said...

love those colors, so pretty!

Kala said...

Lovely detail and composition.

jay said...

Irises are so striking, and you got a great shot here! I like the yellow, too. :)

Colleen said...

Such pretty colors and a great macro!

Alita said...

This Iris is a lovely flower. They remind me of motherhood and elegance. Great capture!

Kathy said...

The Dutch iris are blooming here where I live also. So pretty. Nice shot with good detail.

Debbiedoos said...

That is gorgeous!!~

life's journey said...

this is a pretty shot of the flower. Happy MYM!

SparkleFarkel said...

Sometimes flowers look good enough to eat-- perhaps this saffy-centered lovely in a salad? LOL! Enjoy your Mellow Yellow!


Ingrid said...

What a gorgeous picture !

Chubskulit Rose said...

Great shot tKim!

Yellow Plates



Rosie said...

I love the little iris flowers at this time of year, such detail in the little flowers and they have such lovely colourings. Thanks for visiting my macro monday shot. I could even enter Mellow Yellow this week with mine too!

Amanda Moore said...

Wow the purple in that Iris is striking, great capture!

Ms. Journ said...

Manang what a perfect layout. Love it... tnx for dropin at my entry. My entry here buddy. C u!!!

Fashion Gurl said...

What a background , nice macro one. My MYM.

Iconnectworld said...

Manang, your entry is really different and unique.
Hope to see u my entry.

Eating Section said...

Manang, your entry is really different and unique.
Hope to see u my entry.

Amanda said...

I love irises! I have quite a few in my garden. beautiful picture

Marice said...

thats really beautiful Manang Kim :)

Michelle said...

Beautiful picture!

Tammie Lee said...

you have shared this flowers beauty.

Anonymous said...

Lovely colors.

Suburban Girl said...

I love all these signs of spring I'm seeing today!

Killara girl said...

lovely...wish we had the flowers already...i know it's coming...but i guess we're not used to waiting for things these days.

Matty said...

The yellow contrasts nicely with the purple.

Dinah said...

wow, the purple is beautiful but the yellow made it more pretty! I love your macro shot!

Victoria said...

Truly beautiful.. I especially love this color..gorgeous!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Wonderful photography! Such a beautiful flower!


Liz said...

Lovely Iris photo... Such a wonderful colour and I love the composition :)

Linnea said...

Great close up perspective. Blue and yellow make for such a perfect color combination. Thanks for stopping by at mine.

Andree said...

What a lovely flower. The color is strong and the image is clear and fascinating.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh. Such a beautiful "flag" as my mother and grandmother called them. Irises are so splendid.


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
