Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blue sky Reflection

Was at the grocery store yesterday and I noticed right away the beautiful reflection on the grocery store window.
                       A blue sky with a lot of puffy white clouds and even dark clouds just right in the corner.
                                                              I am linking to Sky Watch Friday
                                                                                    Looking @ the Sky on Friday
                                                                                    Weekend Reflection


Wanda said...

Well how nice is that. Wonderful Fall colors and a beautiful reflection of the sky! Very nice.

Robin said...

A great, and very seasonal, choice for Skywatch :).

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Very pretty the colourful display of autumn and a changeable autumn sky.
Well done Kim.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

beautiful reflections!.... city sunset

Linda said...

The blue and white make a great contrast to the colours of the pumpkins and brick.

Photo Cache said...

great job in spotting this skywatch image.

tinyskillet said...

Such a pretty picture, and the beautiful sky relection is the icing on the cake!

joo said...

It's such a pretty photo! I do love it Kim!

Diane AZ said...

Fantastic fall colors and great sky reflection too, superb!

LifeRamblings said...

beautiful fall colours and lovely reflections.

George said...

You captured some great reflections in the store window. This makes a wonderful autumn post.

lina@women's perspectives said...

So creative. Love the contrast between the colorful display and the sky reflection :)

Kramer said...

Lovely reflections, I'm seeing a trend here....

Anna said...

Very nice! I also love the pumpkins and flowers on display in front of the window.

michael bird said...

Me thinks maybe somebody needs to get over there with a marking pen. Don't you think all those pumpkins would look great with a variety of facial expressions? Nice autumn scene.

Sylvia K said...

What delightful reflections and so perfect for the season! Love the colors! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Margaret said...

Clever photo - lovely reflections!

Francisca said...

Your photos sure have the feel of fall, Kim! Clouds in the sky, pumpkin, autumn flowers...

Jeannette StG said...

With such a colorful display, the sky is a great background as well as reflection!

Bridge in Sacramento, Jeannette

'Tsuki said...

I prefer the first one (the reflected cars on the second one spoil a little bit the beauty of the subject, in my taste). The contrast between the blue of the sky and the orange of those pumpkins give such a bright touch to the composition... Great job catching this one.

Anonymous said...

Perfect for the Halloween season. Gorgeous reflections my friend. Have a wonderful weekend :)

Kcalpesh said...

Great shots with really striking colors!!

Pixellicious Photos

jennyfreckles said...

Good combination of a great reflection and some superb autumn colours. Those pumpkins are very photogenic.

☺lani☺ said...

That's a nice one! I love not only the reflection and also the display! Happy Weekend!

Angie said...

Great shots for SWF! Thanks for your visit, come back anytime.

Amity said...

Hi Kim,

Why "Manang Kim?' are you from the Phils and happen to be an Ilocana? If you are, then we are the same but not residing somewhere else but still in the beautiful Phil Islands on the north, particularly in the town of Sanchez Mira, province of Cagayan valley.

That's too much intro from just new to skywatch friday, maybe a couple of months old?

I was amazed with this shot you made... 'NAGPINTAS'... :-)

The cloudy sky as backdrop for these colorful flowers and pumpkins in time for the Halloween...too early though.. :-)

Do visit my place if you have time Kim.. :-)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

those cars look as though they are inside.

Ingrid said...

Real nice pictures ! you could make a header out of them !

Harry Snowden said...

Wow... makes a really nice back drop

Sar@h said...

I enjoy the first picture with the blue sky..

Anonymous said...

Nice reflections Kim. Love the pumpkins too.

Teacher Engineer said...

What a wonderful post u here sis:)Godbless

Splendid Little Stars said...

great capture of reflections in the store window! a lovely Fall scene!

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I do love fall.


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
