Friday, February 26, 2010

Daily Kitty

Camera CrittersThis is  almost a Daily occurrence between my Kitty cat, squirrels and the birds in summer time. That is why I like summer because they could play around the farm and I enjoy being the spectator.
What is she doing up in that huge willow tree? Well she is looking for the squirrel but if the birds see also the cat on top of the tree they chase her . And my kitty cat run like crazy going down the tree. Well, as of this writing no one is hurt ^_^ Well see this coming spring and summer who will chase who. ^_^
                                               To see more of Camera Critters visit it HERE
                                                More Photo Hunt entries HERE too!


eileeninmd said...

Was she chasing a squirrel? Looks like she knows what she is doing and is OK?

Kim, USA said...

Hi Eileen yes she was chasing a squirrel that particular photo. Yeah she knew what she is doing and she likes to wait for the squirrel to come up and chase the poor squirrel back to the ground lol!

Verna Luga said...

those are darling creatures .... indeed... pusa at squirrel LOL!

In This Side of Town
Anything Davao
Some Things Are Free

ipanema said...

oh, love to see these! really it's fun looking at them . i can just imagine the activity.

happy weekend! :)

YTSL said...

Erm... sorry, I don't think "play" is what cats have in mind when they see squirrels or birds... ;S

Sassy Mom said...

it must be fun just watching them, LOL!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

haha that looks familiar and what a thrill seeker:)

Alice Audrey said...

We used to have two cats who were brothers. They hunted squirrels together, one coming in from one side, and the other from another. Still, they never caught one.

Quilt Works said...

What a cute photo! Such a big tree, such a little kitty! Made me smile!

You've been tagged!
Hope you will have a chance to visit too!


We love Luna said...

She is so brave!
Wonderful entry for this CC week! Congrats!
purrs and love

Ricepatty said...

What a brave and craaazy kitty you have! Constant entertainment I'm sure :)

Ingrid said...

These pictures are just adorable ! I had to look twice before I found the kitty in the middle of the huge trees, lol !

Snap said...

What an entertaining kitty you have! In action!

Carin said...

Sounds like you're in for loads of fun with your kitty cat! Look at the sneaky way she's eyeing you taking the picture! LOL

Enjoy your weekend!

Willa said...

I don't know why is it so easy for cat to climb up the tree and have problem going down. :)

Carver said...

I enjoyed this post and good for the theme. Happy weekend.

Brooke said...

What a fun game between the cat and squirrels... lol... :)

The Florida Furkids said...

That's a great "daily" adventure!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Sparkle said...

My human's cat before me used to hunt squirrels - and she caught quite a few of them! She was a very skilled hunter and never understood why my human wouldn't eat the creatures along with her.

I am an indoor-only kitty, so I only see squirrels through the window. I think my human likes it better that way.

jams o donnell said...

Haha that nust ge so much fun to see! Happy weekend

RJ Flamingo said...

My kitties are also a source of amusement for me, daily!

Ladykli said...

Silly Kitty!!!

Thanks for visiting

Carletta said...

Cute shots!
I love that huge old tree.

Carolyn Ford said...

All the critters must love that big old tree! They have more fun than we will ever know!

Scott Law said...

Looks like fun and an excellent take on the theme. Daily entertainment for you.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting. See you again soon?

Unknown said...

Love your shot of your cat up the tree. You must have been ready! I have been trying unsuccessfully to get shots of my cats in trees for years!
Thanks for visiting my PH-post for "daily". If you want to see another PH-post about a cat you can go to my other blog "Happy Jewellery"[ ]. Otherwise I have more cat-posts on Sara Cat writes [](and it is in English too).
Best wishes,

Jerry said...

What a fun shot - I didn't even see the cat at first! LOL

Jama said...

It must be fun watching the cat climbing up daily!

Lew said...

Great shot! Oue cats are inside cats, but there are several neighborhood cats who visit our yard to chase squirrels. So far no evidence that they have been successful.

Irene said...

Interesting take. I'm late but better than never :) Thanks for dropping by.


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
