Saturday, December 18, 2010

Photo Hunt-Male

Some of our men in the family. Taken at our Family Christmas party
My beloved hubby.
                                                 Linking this post to PHOTO HUNT


Carver said...

Great shots of your family. Happy weekend.

MaR said...

Love that second shot!

fredamans said...

Great photos!

Alice Audrey said...

Great shot of your beloved hubby.

Annie said...

Both are very nice shots. And I also love the nativity in your header! Happy holidays and have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

I don't know what my men would think if I treat them as males, lol !

Mayet said...

great pics! I especially like the one of your husband.

magiceye said...

lovely take on the theme!


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
