Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Water World Wednesday

                                                    WELCOME TO WATER WORLD WEDNESDAY
                                                                           Episode 10 ,Year 2

So the special day for Mom's is done but my flowers are starting to bloom. Yes I prefer to get a potted plants than cut flowers because I like to plant them. That's what hubz did last Mother's day he bought a pot of Dahlia and gave it to me. I was happy.
Yesterday, we had a storm it rained the whole day and we even had a flash flood warning thankfully there is no damage done. After I got up I immediately went outside and took photos of my Dahlia still with drops of water from the rain.



Gemma Wiseman said...

Your dahlia is a beauty. Gorgeous colour.

Hazel said...

A beautiful Mother's Day gift.

lina@a happy family said...

Gorgeous Dahlia. The raindrops enrich its beauty.

Leovi said...

Really nice photo, I love this dahlia with water drops of rain!

betty-NZ said...

Dahlias are one of my favorites and this color is just wonderful!

NatureFootstep said...

your flower seem th thrive with the water on its petals. :)


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
