Monday, May 13, 2013


I had a wonderful vacation few weeks ago. I stayed four weeks in the Philippines and four days in Singapore. I had a lot of fun with my nieces and nephew and in Singapore with my friends. While I was in the Philippines, I experienced a sweltering heat I often do not like to go out. One time a friend of mine, ask me if I could come with her to the gym. I immediately went with her I was getting bored staying at home, hoping, and praying the weather temperature would go down. While in gym I had fun and I sweat out which was good. A thought came to me at that time because in so many places or countries many do not have the privilege to have a nice gym. Fortunately, in my hometown in the Philippines, we have one or two gyms that I could tell are great. This morning I was chatting to a friend, she arrive Australia a couple of days, and since she is an exercise freak, she went online to look for Gyms in Sydney. Looking at the internet is fun and easy. Just one click of the name everything comes in your monitor. She told me she was having fun looking at the site and very grateful she did it because she knew she is close to some great gym in her area. Good for her she is into exercise but not me I am a couch potato.

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Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
