Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Water World Wednesday

Last Sunday I attended my friends daughter first birthday. Their house is close to the lake and that Sunday the weather is beautiful and the food is awesome! The lake is just behind the house and as you can see some of the guest were boating one is kayaking. ^_^ I wish the weather is like this here in Michigan. 

Now it is time to link up to WATER WORLD WEDNESDAY. It is our Episode 21, Year 1. Come and join the fun! Please do visit many bloggers as you can it is nice to have friends all over the world! ^_^

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NatureFootstep said...

a niced little lake to kayak in. .)

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful shots from a lovely place.
Thanks for hosting.

Gemma Wiseman said...

A stunning setting and love those beautiful, mirrored reflections!

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous place!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Delightful captures, Kim.
Thanks for hosting.

emzkie said...

joining again this week! love all your photos Manang Kim! all are gorgeous. sounds like u had a great time at the party.

Unknown said...

a beautiful lake! it's lovely to have a lake near the house, but i'd be worried about flood.:p

Jane said...

Nice shots, thanks for sharing Kim:)

MM Enterprises said...

beautiful place, nice pics.

eden said...

Your friend lives in a beautiful place. Beautiful photos as always.

Kim, USA said...

It is not too crowded lake.

Kim, USA said...

That's what I was drawn to when I took the photos gorgeous reflection.

Kim, USA said...

Thanks Mama Zen!

Kim, USA said...

Your welcome Nix!

Kim, USA said...

Hi Emz, I did specially when lechon is there too ^_^

Kim, USA said...

Hi Luna, many lakes here don't get flooded I do not know why ^_^ My friends house is located a bit high we had to walk down to get into the boat. ^_^

Kim, USA said...

Welcome Jane!

Kim, USA said...

Thanks Eden.

Leovi said...

Great photos with great beauty, I love the colors and beautiful reflections in the water, excellent framing.

Hootin Anni said...

Those images are so relaxing! I could spend the entire day just watching from the banks...or even floating along with the kayakers. Beautiful

Arlene said...

Hi Manang Kim, this looks like a nice place to visit and take lots of pictures. I love places like this. I jump in here from one of the blog because the meme title caught my interest. I wanna join, but I am afraid I may fail joining in later times especially when it's so busy at work.

Reminds me that I used to join a water meme long time ago (two years ago probably) and I failed to maintain my entry. Sigh @^@

Praveen said...

Very nice & beautiful collection i like it. thanks to sharing.

macrolancer said...


Arvin U. de la Peña said...

beautiful pictures..

My Little Home and Garden said...

That's such an idyllic setting! Beautiful.

Shilpa said...

Wow! The lake is scenic and the kayak leaves impression... Beautiful shots Kim :)


Shilpa said...

Wow! The lake is scenic and the kayak leaves impression... Beautiful shots Kim :)


Evelyn S. said...

It's a beautiful location...and a beautiful time of year!


Again, watching my backyard birds this morning. And as I was watching a small cutie pie Bluebird passed the window. I grabbed my camera and ...
